Transformed PEOPLE Impacting The  Village And The Nation As Disciples Of The Lord Jesus Christ


GIM  Seeks To Evangelize PEOPLE , Nurture Them As Disciples Of The Lord Jesus Christ, and helping them to grow in their Christian faith ,That They May Serve The Church And The Society”



Core values are intrinsic factors, essential and enduring tenets of an organization. They are the foundational characteristics and timeless guiding principles for which the organization stands and is known for and, therefore, no compromise can be made on them under any circumstance. Core values give qualitative identity and inner focus points for an organization in its outward working for its mission and goals. Core values stand the test of time and members come to a realization of these values as they work together in common pursuit of reaching out to their vision. We have lived out these core values since its inception, enabled by the grace and power of God.

2. Centrality of the word of God

the Word of God shall be the touchstone. It provides the standards and light for life and ministry. This envisages teaching and practising Quiet Time and Bible Study which lead to humble, honest, and thoughtful application of the Scripture in every area of life, Particularly, emphasis is focused on Bible truth as well as formation of a Christian mind and lifestyle which reflect the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

3. Relationship with God

Relationship with God is to have an intimate fellowship with God all through the day in all the things we do, say, or think. The quality of our intimacy with God will be reflected and lived out in our attitude and quality of our relationship to others. Our relationship to Christ and the Word of God should so permeate our life that our thinking and action will always be biblical. A member of GIM is required to enjoy and experience this relationship before he or she involves in the work. The regular Quite Time with God, personal study of His word and communication with God in prayer are utmost importance in the life of every believer, so that one’s involvement and activities are the result of his/her deep love for the Lord. Truth in inner part, fellowshipping, and inner communication with the Triune God and divine guidance from within are essential for the members. We need to be God’s holy people practising His righteousness and love (first and foremost) at home, living area and in our workspots.

4. Fellowship

Fellowship represents spiritual unity among members of GIM family. We are not basically task-oriented people. While task is important, fellowship is more important. Ministry is ushered in and sustained through fellowship. This includes caring, sharing, and bearing one another in love for Christ’s sake and as enabled by the Holy Spirit. Transparent sharing of one another’s problems and confidentiality should mark the fellowship. The fellowship as a family needs to exhibit the influence of the Word of God in their lives. Nurture and discipling are received as members learn from one another when they meet as a cell group to share and study His Word. Each member of GIM family is quite unique and different in terms of call, gifts, and personhood and endeavours to minister to one another in humble dependence on God. Interdenominational stand is taken to respect each believer.

5. Personal care

Every individual is given importance in GIM and is expected to make his unique contribution to the Kingdom of God. Each member of GIM has the privilege given by God to take care of the people of God, young or old, to enable them to blossom to their God-given potential, to lend their hands in support and building of His kingdom. Thus personal evangelism, one to one discipling, and open homes are encouraged so that each individual is cared for. This will enable him to receive moral, prayer, and resource support from members of GIM family.

6. Life of faith and prayer

GIM is known as a movement of prayer. It is called to a life of faith which depends on God for all its needs and not just for finance. This value has to be part of our lives . Hence, the mutual help and support among members of GIM family. People should be able to see this life of faith seen in our lives so that they are challenged to imitate them. The needs of the members as well as the ministry are met by the members out of Christian love and responsibility. Public appeals and pledges are not made. Simplicity and contented life should mark the life of every member.


Core values are caught rather than taught. They have to be walked rather than talked about. Therefore, the members need to live out these Core Values and impart them to next generation by and through their lives as propelled by the Spirit of God. As we look back to see how the Lord has led us thus far, it is important that we track down the core-values that have emerged in our ministry and about ourselves and solemnly affirm in Christ to practise these core-values in our lives and ministries.

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